Opening tonight! My work is all ready for the show. There’s a fabulous range of works from a talented bunch of ladies and poetry, too! Come and see us at the Ebba Centre, St Abbs from tomorrow and throughout next week.
Exhibiting in the St. Abbs Annual Art Exhibition in 2018
Textile ArtI am excited to announce that I will be exhibiting at the well-respected St. Abbs Annual Art Exhibition at the Ebba Centre in March 2018! I will be showing my textile embroidered art landscapes inspired by East Lothian. For these pieces I use painted fabrics, machine and hand embroidered and with wool, mulberry bark and silk sewn in to make vibrant thread ‘paintings’. For latest news from the Ebba Centre, check out their Facebook page.
Barley stitches embroidery detail
Textile ArtClose-up of barley stitches embroidery detail
Here is a close up photo of my barley stitches. I am really happy with the overlaying of the stitching since it gives a great 3D effect enhancing the depth of the picture. This image is from the foreground section of my latest textile art landscape. The work is based on a view of the Lammermuir Hills from the entrance to West Mains farm and it is the largest landscape I have worked on so far, almost A4 sized.
Textile embroidery art landscapes
Textile ArtHere’s the two landscapes I finished in October, looking fabulous in their solid oak frames. Once I have a collection of works available I am hoping to exhibit and sell via one of the local galleries.
Work in progress
Textile ArtMy third landscape textile artwork in progress. Silk painted background, embroidery detail with machine and hand embroidery used to work in some dyed wool picked up at St Abbs Wool Fest last weekend, plus silk throwsters and mulberry bark. Based on a view of the Lammermuir Hills from West Mains Farm near Morham.